Biz Idea: CarQuiteZoner


Biz Idea: CarQuiteZoner


This is a contraption for the car. They should initially sell as a kit. The kit comes with the install parts. It should be a no tool install.

First, what the curtains will hang on. This will have to be non-intrusive meaning if a car accident occurs it will not be a problem. Non-intrusive design also means that people will be able to enter and exit the back seat with it not being a problem. You'll also want it easy for the user to use. The design has to allow the user to easily put the curtain away or use the curtain for privacy.


The best I could think of would be to use suction cups to hang reinforced string that you'll loop the curtains through. You'll want to suction the front window, center and as high as you can get. Make the back window align. Then string the reinforced string that the curtain is looped through up. the curtains should be on the string. You should be able to push the curtain to the back. You can use a curtain tie or magnet to tie the curtains and keep them bunched together and out of the way. All of this allow privacy between the side-by-side seats.


You may be able to find better suction cups, but these are from Walmart to give you an idea:


The string that the curtains will loop through is reinforced by wrapping it around itself or twisting two of the same length together and knotting each end. Again, you might find better string than the Walmart string. The Walmart link is to give you an idea of the type of string to start with. Experimentation will find the perfect one for your kit.


The curtains can be made of any type of material. A thermal insulated door curtain is almost like a soft door for privacy between the two side by side seats. Make sure the curtains chosen isn't a hazard to children. Make sure the curtain is short so that it hangs about 1/16th of an inch above the seat.

Keep in mind that kids could be in the back seat so make sure your curtains and design account for them not choking of suffocating themselves. Using a strong curtain like a thermal insulated door curtain would be hard for kids to mess with and offer privacy. Make sure the width covers the back seat sideways.

If you also do a curtain for the front seats make sure the width is covered, and the height has the curtain not touching the seat. The front seat divider might not be legal to have drawn while driving.


A Heavy door curtain link at Walmart:


That takes care of having a privacy division for the side-by-side seats.

For the side car windows and the space between the front and back seats there are already products that are very affordable on the market. Again, I will show the Walmart version but you are free to look elsewhere or make your own. The suction cut method seems the easiest way to install the curtains. The more of the kit you do yourself the more options in what you can offer your customers you'll have. The curtains can be themed after cuddly animals, nature scenes, cartoon characters, action heroes or football teams. The Walmart link for these curtains is an idea of what you can do with your kit. Everything is an idea of what you can do with your kit.


The Walmart Privacy Curtain link for the side car windows and the space between the front and back seats:


Good luck if this sparks a business idea. BTW: There weren't any side curtains for between seats. There were two shabby and hazardous products aimed at children, so this is a market to tap that isn't saturate. Eventually if demand is shown to be high enough the car manufacturers will incorporate the privacy dividers between seats themselves.