Biz Idea: Slide-in games


This is an old idea from over two decades ago.  This time it's more geared toward families then restaurants and coffee shops.

This can be a board game, but it is several layers.

You have the top layer where the board users will play upon slide into.  The next two layers beneath it contains different board game boards.

You can create different board games and slide them into the slot.  They pull out, slide up and slide into place on the top game play layer.

The game board have very thin groves for game pieces of that particular game to slide in and around.  The groves will depend on the game.  A Monopoly game board would have different groves for game pieces to move about than a chess board.

The final layer is the game pieces layer.  The pieces slide into a tray.  Each piece is designed to snap into the grove and slide along the grove.  This final level is the storage level.  You can have more than one tray.  The level of game boards should determine the number of trays for pieces.

People will be able to buy slide-in board games and slide-in game pieces separately to add or replace games the starter slide-in game kit coms with.

You'd be able to have different games and even contest for users to create different games and game pieces.

The slide-in helps to not lose game pieces.  Once the pieces are in the trays it'll take a lot of effort to remove them from the tray. 

Users will pull the tray of pieces out.  The design will have the trays store side by side but pull out and pivot to slide up to become flesh with the game play board.  

The game board and the pieces snap into the unit.  It will be difficult to easily move them once in.  Once in the slide-n slide out to move about the board game unit.

You'll need to do safety test.  A well-designed slide in unit can have up to 4 different game board trays and trays for the game pieces on the final layer.

The game board should easily slide into place and lock.  The pieces should easily slide in the groves to easily move about the board game.

It should be easy to clean and all moving pieces should slide in and out and about for years without friction or any other design problems.

Wood, plastic or combos can be used to build the slide-in game unit, board, and game pieces.

After you get a winning design, you can always enlarge for the industrial market such as restaurants, social clubs, bars.  You can also shrink to travel size.

Once you have the winning design you should be able to market it for safety, no lease piece which can save user money in not having to buy replacement pieces.